Saturday, 7 July 2012

Long Time No Speak + Your Opinions

Hello Lovely Bloggers!

I think I owe everyone a bit of an explanation seeing as I have been MIA for the past month and a half! (Sorry!!!)

As some of you may remember I was in my final year of college taking my final A Level exams, which meant I have been studying like crazy - I am one of those people who panics about just about every exam I take so I along with the majority of my friends became completely antisocial for the first three weeks of June while revising! Anyway, my exams are finally over, I have left college and am preparing myself this summer to start university in September, which means I will have a lot more free time to blog - I am finally back and ready to start posting what ever you would like to see!

In the run up to starting university I was wondering if you guys would like to see any advice posts, possibly starting with the application process as I have already completed it :) I might also blog my experiences as they happen if you guys would be interested?

Anyway, sorry for the quick post, I promise I will get better!

Stay Beautiful,



  1. I'm so glad to see that you're back!! :) I missed you! Congrats on finishing college!
    I'd love to see university advice posts, btw :)

  2. yay!!! Congratulations on completing college! I'd love to see posts about your experiences and such ! I've been missing your posts, so happy you're back!

    -ariel* xoxo

  3. glad you're back :)
    Cerys <3
